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Why I Created PassGP RANZCOG
Preparing for exams takes us away from the things we love most – especially our families.
PassGP RANZCOG was created so you can stop wasting time on unreliable study material and spend it on what matters most.
You have worked so hard to be where you are. You deserve to pass first time.

Created by Associate Professor George Eskander MBChB(Hons), FACHSM, CHE, FRACGP (2015), MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, MAICD; George is a former AMC Examiner, former PLAB Examiner and former RACGP National Assessment Advisor for the KFP Examination.
The PassGP RANZCOG Editorial Panel has more than 100 years of combined clinical experience, international academic expertise and more than a decade of national examination experience.
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