Free 1:1 Mock Exam With Every CCE Subscription
With the mock exam:
- It will be conducted by a former leading National College Examiner.
- It will be assessed to examination standards in a high fidelity mock situation
- You will be assessed against the summative exam assessment scoring matrix.
- You will receive a personalised learning strategy to guide your examination preparation.
- For existing customers who have already had a mock examination, you can elect to receive a 1:1 individualised teaching session of 1 hour duration.
The Ultimate CCE Clinical Exam Bank.
Access to more than 1500 CCE questions across 500 cases written in meticulous exam format.
Free 1:1 Mock Examination - with every CCE subscription
100% Pass Rate achieved by 2024.2 PassGP CCE Subscribers
Available whenever and wherever you want - no need to attend a course to access, and no limitations on how many times you use them.
Highly realistic format to the Exam standard. .
Multiple search functionalities, with four distinct modes:
- Practice - work through the exam bank at your own pace.
- Speciality - focus on one category of disease.
- Category - by type of question - history, physical examination, management or counselling.
- Bespoke - create your own learning experience with question keyword search.
PassGP App Integration - access the full bank on your phone
The only provider to answer every question with examination-style answers - written by Former RACGP National Examiners.
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